Saturday 18 May 2013


In the words of 'ye, the past couple of weeks have been cray...

And by 'ye I mean that of Kan or Kim, AKA Mister West. 

... no? 

Please accept that poor poetic attempt and shameless Kardashian reference as a testament to my currently compromised sanity. 

Somewhere in between the 5.30am starts, increased caffeine habit and cramming sessions my poor little brain has really suffered.

True to form, my social media activity has increased during this manic period in a mighty fine display of PROcrastination... see what I did there?

Thankfully, the light at the end of my manic tunnel is drawing nearer... and this light has been a very long time coming, friends.

Here are a few inspirational gems, mostly courtesy of Instagram, which have made the ride all the more bearable.

Enjoy x