Thursday, 17 January 2013

And so it begins...

Ah January, we meet agaian.

Tis’ the month of new beginnings, of promise, and reignited motivation and self assurance that this year, in the infamous words of Rob Schneider – YOU CAN DO IT!
…Whatever “IT” may be.
I'd like to take this opportunity to apologise for my sporadic posts, team. My editorial internship as the Lifestyle Editor for an award-winning start up has kept me on my toes... but I can't blame it all on that. My silly season was very silly indeed, and, as much as I love writing, sitting behind a computer fell second, third, then fourth to coast trips with the gals, christmas parties and social-gatherings-that-are-really-just-an-excuse-to-pig-out #canigetanamen
Not to mention, time is going faster than a packet of tim-tams does in my household. It feels like yesterday I was saving and organising for operation Americano, and now all of a sudden it's Hola 2013. I adventured my way through the significant part of last year, and learnt a lot along the way. 
The next 365 days... (ok, technically, 347) promise to be pretty significant too. I have been interning up a storm throughout the past 6 months, and am rearing to be released into the big, bad, 'real' world.
As for what happens after that, there are too many alternatives to count. Ah, the thrill of the unknown...

Let's do this, 2013.